Fitgirl's page is down temporarily until she changes domain......
August 31, 2016
Today my domain registrar and hoster got the following abuse emails:
The domain Is currently hosting and promoting and sharing illegal content. That website is sharing pirated products which is illegaly attantied. That website is breaking the Title 17, United States Code, Sections 501 and 506.
The stuff that website is sharing also contains bitcoin miners and virus which have remote control which she uses to steal personal infomation from people.
Well, while I’m settling this case with the registrar, I’ve used a very simple tool for finding out, who was that man, who filed an abuse email. Just his email (and absence of brains of the email owner) led me to the following:
His email is:
September 1, 2016
Now I will have to spend more time for registering new domain.
This one will stop working soon. To keep it working for you, open this file in text editor:
and add the following line
I will move my site to more abuse-resistant domain, like .cc or .to